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Results for "author_first: "Terry", author_last: "Hershey", latest_content: 1"
Opposite of depression is delight Opposite of depression is delight
You'll figure yourself out You'll figure yourself out
Listening to the eternal involves a silence within us Listening to the eternal involves a silence within us
We're a culture coming clean We're a culture coming clean
Time you just gracefully and lavishly wasted Time you just gracefully and lavishly wasted
Most people go through life asleep Most people go through life asleep
Willingness to be surprised by grace Willingness to be surprised by grace
Creating Sanctuary for Ourselves and Others An exploration of sacred space as both a personal boon and a cultural need that we all have a responsibility to fulfill.
Pausing An invitation to embrace a new paradigm of becoming more by doing less, practicing self-care, and really paying attention.